home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 onagoto40,130
- 20 poke55,0:poke56,122:clr:poke251,.
- 30 a=1:load"mm.xfer.ml",8,1
- 40 nd=38144:pd=40597:no=40496:nf=0
- 50 poke53280,.:poke53281,.: print"[147]"chr$(142)
- 60 print " muzic master "
- 70 print"file transfer program
- 80 [153]:[153]:[153]
- 90 [153]"conttype file nameprint(without suffix .mzc)":[133]"sys";f$(nf)
- 100 [159] 1,8,4,f$(nf)[170]".mzc,p":[159]15,8,15:[132]15,e,x$:[160]1:[160]15
- 110 [139]e[177]19[167][153]""x$:[137]90
- 120 a[178]2:[147]f$(nf)[170]".mzc",8,1
- 130 [153]"clrwait... transfering data..."
- 140 b[178]nd:[129]a[178]50688[164]52991:[151]b,[194](a):b[178]b[170]1:[130]:nd[178]nd[171]256[172]9
- 150 b[178]pd:[129]a[178]53223[164]53247:[151]b,[194](a):b[178]b[170]1:[130]:pd[178]pd[170]25
- 160 [139]pd[178]40672[167]pd[178]40935
- 170 b[178]no:[151]b,[194](53145)
- 180 no[178]no[170]24
- 190 nf[178]nf[170]1:[139]nf[178]4[167]240
- 200 [133]"another file (y/n)sys";x$
- 210 [139]x$[178]"y"[167]90
- 220 [139]x$[178]"n"[167]240
- 230 [137]200
- 240 [133]"conttest files (y/n)sys";x$
- 250 [139]x$[178]"n"[167]350
- 260 [139]x$[179][177]"y"[167]240
- 270 [153]"open":[129]a[178]40736[164]a[170]4[169]2:[151]a,.:[130]:[129]a[178]0[164]nf[171]1
- 280 [153]a[170]1"..."f$(a)[163]20)"sys"40573[170]a[172]3
- 290 [130]:[153]a[170]1"...exit":[153]
- 300 [153]"contselect..."
- 310 [161]x$:[139]x$[178]""[167]310
- 320 a[178][197](x$):[139]a[175]a[179][178]nf[167][158]40573[170](a[171]1)[172]3:[158]40906
- 330 [139]a[179][177]nf[170]1[167]310
- 340 [158]40900
- 350 [133]"save files to disk (y/n)sys";x$
- 360 [139]x$[178]"y"[167]380
- 370 [139]x$[178]"n"[167]630
- 375 [137]350
- 380 [158]40573:[129]a[178]40736[164]a[170]4[169]2:[151]a,0:[130]
- 390 [153]"contfile name (1-16 characters)
- 400 input"[158]";f$:a=len(f$):on-(a<1ora>16)goto390:print"";
- 410 open1,8,4,f$+",p,w"
- 420 open15,8,15
- 430 input#15,e,x$
- 440 ife>19thenprint""x$:goto500
- 450 b=nd+9*256
- 460 print#1,chr$(0);chr$(b/256);
- 470 fora=bto40960:print#1,chr$(peek(a));:next:close1
- 480 input#15,e,x$:close15:close1
- 490 on-(e<20)goto505:print""x$
- 500 input"retry (y/n)[158]";x$
- 501 ifx$="y"then390
- 502 ifx$<>"n"then500
- 503 end
- 505 printx$
- 510 print"[154]the first lines of your"
- 520 print"basic program should read"
- 530 print"as follows:[159]"
- 540 print:q$=chr$(34)
- 550 print"1 onagoto4"
- 560 print"2 poke55,0:poke56,"b/256":clr
- 570 [153]"3 a=1:load"q$f$[170]q$",8,1"
- 580 [153]"4 rem:your program continues here...":[153]:[153]
- 590 [129]a[178]0[164]nf[171]1
- 600 [153]"sys"40573[170]a[172]3"access cont"f$(a)
- 610 [130]
- 620 [128]
- 630 [133]"end program (y/n)sys";x$
- 640 [139]x$[178]"n"[167]240
- 650 [139]x$[179][177]"y"[167]630